Back-to-School "FUN"raiser
Join us Friday, August 12 from 5-7 pm for music and drinks as we celebrate the end of summer and prepare to begin another amazing school year at our four Catholic elementary schools. Proceeds from the Back-to-School "FUN"raiser Cocktail Party support the Quincy Catholic Elementary Schools Foundation. The foundation has provided more than a $1million in tuition assistance to families since 2012 to ensure Catholic education is an option for everyone!
Tickets are $30 in advance or $35 at the door and include appetizers, beer, and wine. Tickets can be purchased online or you can send payment to the QCES Venmo Account @QCES-Foundation. Please include guest names when purchasing tickets.
The event will be held in the Centennial Room at Quincy Country Club at 2401 State Street.