Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I choose a smaller school like one of the Quincy Catholic Elementary Schools?
The four Quincy Catholic schools provide an academically challenging, spiritually enriching, safe and affordable education. QCES students receive personal attention with accountability for interacting with teachers, staff, and other students. It is a community where everyone has genuine concern and watches out for one another.
Do you have to be Catholic to attend one of the QCES?
No. Students of all faiths are welcome; however, all students are required to take religion courses, attend Mass when scheduled during the school day and complete service hours each year.
Are all teaching staff credentialed?
Yes, all teachers are certified by the State of Illinois and many have advanced degrees.
Do you have technology in your schools?
Yes, technology is integrated with classroom learning through iPads, Google Chromebooks, laptops, ELMOS, and SMART Boards.
What kind of extracurricular activities are offered through the schools?
Parochial Music Organization (PMO) Band and Choir, Scout programs, CYO and IESA athletic programs, organized social events and field trips.
What are the school day hours?
Between 8:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Before and After School Care programs are offered at all the elementary schools to assist working parents.
Is there bus service available to QCES students?
Yes, the Quincy Public School District does provide bus service on days the public schools are in session. Forms for school bus service are available to complete at the time of registration.
Is financial aid available for students?
Technically, all QCES students receive financial assistance since the tuition charged does not cover the total cost to educate. The difference between the cost to educate and the tuition charged is covered by the members of each parish that supports an elementary school through stewardship. However, in addition to that, additional scholarships and tuition assistance programs are available to make Catholic elementary education affordable to all who wish to attend. A family does not have to belong to one of the four Quincy parishes to receive assistance.
The Tuition Assistance Program for QCES includes tuition-assistance grants and scholarships. To ensure impartiality and sensitivity to privacy, FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment is used to process and review applications and to recommend amounts to be awarded based on demonstrated need. The same FACTS form can be used for QCES and QND combined if needed. The “Preferred Deadline” for applying for tuition assistance for the 2019-2020 school year is Friday, March 29, 2019.