Contact the QCES Foundation
Quincy Catholic Elementary Schools Foundation
1721 College Avenue
Quincy, IL 62301
(217) 779-3157
Executive Director: Sara Reuschel
QCES Foundation Board Members
Elizabeth Brown, President
St. Peter
Jacob Scholz, Vice-President
St. Peter
Jackie Bruns, Secretary
St. Anthony/St. Dominic
Christina Robb, Treasurer
Blessed Sacrament
Kyle Awerkamp
St. PeterBrian Dreier
St. Francis SolanusErin Frazier
St. Anthony/St. DominicElizabeth Gengenbacher
St. FrancisJustin Hale
Blessed SacramentJane Ann Petty
St. FrancisMichelle Terwelp
St. Anthony/St. DominicNathan Terwelp
Blessed Sacrament
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